The end of my two week holiday is fast approaching and has me thinking about what I have done during the holidays. Not a whole lot lol I had so many plans, well not really but I imagined I would be a lot more active than I have been but I guess the holidays are all about being lazy and relaxing. Firstly I was going to train my dog everyday with obedience (it's been almost four months since she graduated puppy preschool and then teen school) because she still only does the basics. I was told since she is a small dog she is perfect for learning performing tricks (my very own little circus dog!) and I was impressed with the ones the puppy teacher showed me but I haven't been consistent with my training so these holidays we were going to work on it everyday . . . lol We have done a couple of days and only the basics she already knows. But at least I have been taking her for a walk every afternoon. Exercice! Another thing I was going to do each day LOL I have used my wii fit a couple of times but the damn thing keeps telling me I am gaining weight every time I step on it so we are having some time away from each other lol I suppose it's not its fault I have been eating a lot these holidays. I eat when I am bored, somthing Dr Phil would not be impressed with. Speaking of which I have watched so many talk shows and morning shows and daytime shows and . . . basically I've watched a lot of TV, when I am awake that is lol Normally for work I walk up around 6am, my body gets so used to it most days I wake up before the alarm goes off but not in holidays! No alarm! And suddenly I am sleeping in until all hours of the day. I like sleep. I was proactive some days though, I cleaned my office (well I threw out half the crap sitting around and hid the other half in cupboards) and I took my dog to the beach twice (would have liked to more but got really weird cold/windy weather for several days) and am trying to teach her to swim (she is 7 months) the first time it was a little wavy and she got dunked under a couple of times and the next time we sat in a pool of water next to the ocean (lol no waves) but she had more fun climbing the rocks. Also today I have just booked a bus trip for this Sunday that I am looking forward to. The only thing is I will have to wake up at 5am for it and will get home around 8pm and then I get to go back to work on Monday with 25 revved up 5 year olds that will all no doubt still be on a holiday buzz.
I am actually not minding working the first week as it is the last week of my contract and I enjoy the class and it is nice having the same (well behaved!) class constantly. It is the week after that I am not looking forward to; back to relief work! Hopefully I will be blessed with well behaved classes and parents (LOL excuse me while I laugh my head off . . .) and just keep in mind there is ten weeks in this term and then the year is over and we break for a couple of months over Christmas. Last year I loved working in the last term, I was on contract all term as a P-3 key teacher and yr7 art teacher at the time. It was brilliant! My P-3 years I read Christmas stories and did worksheets related to it and did different Christmas art with the year 7s, I loved it! It was so much fun :~)
Anyway these holidays aren't even officially over and I am already counting down to the next holidays LOL Ten weeks to go . . . :~)
Take care all,
Miss Snix.
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