Well I am back at work after the holidays for term four and have already finished one week (only 9 more left for the school year!) and have also finished my contract. I am going to miss it. It is a really nice prep class with some lovely children and a great aide, actually all the staff were friendly and helpful which is so great! My time there went by so quickly it hardly felt like work, I guess it's true what they say 'time flies when you're having fun'. I had some really great experiences there, like a little girl who was afraid of everything (literally!) was freaking out (screaming and crying) everyday doing the obstacle course but on my second last day I managed to get her to try out the monkey bars with the other girls and she loved it! That is something I miss doing relief work; watching a child grow, learn and accomplish things over time. Also getting to know the children on a more personal level; like one child had a wobbly tooth before the holidays and when he came back it was still wobbly, it finally came out on my last day and he ran straight to me to show me and was so excited because we had been talking about it and building the excitement up to this moment for a while. Also on my last day one of the little girls decided to make a picture for me 'secretly' and got the aide to help her, they got all the children to sign their names (they are still learning to write!) during inside time and gave it to me before the aid was about to leave for the day. I thought it was so nice. And the girl in the bottom picture is ment to be me! haha It kind of looks like me too! Very artistic!

The aide was so lovely and thanked me and said she enjoyed working with me, which was more than mutual! The teacher from the class next to me who I worked along with also thanked me and came in to the room before I left to say goodbye and even a grandmother who looks after one of the girls I was teaching (who was away sick that day!) even came in to say a thank you and tell me how much she appreciated having me their. It was so nice because you don't normally get that kind of reaction when you relieve; you're there one day and gone the next and rarely have time to leave any impression so this was very special to me.
Something else I picked up during my last week there; a fresh cold! HAHAHA I think I have been sick more times this year than ever before! It started half way through the week with a sore throat (my aide was coughing all week and the kids were getting sick too) and then my body started aching and I was feeling miserable and now today my nose has started running :( At least if I am still feeling bad by Monday I can now take the day off and it won't affect anyone.
Not really looking forward to returning to relief work, I just hope I get good classes and the time flies by . . . I know it won't but I can dream!
Miss Snix.
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