Sick of Being Sick!

Well I have done it once again, I have got and found myself another illness. It started Wednesday night. All I did was sneeze which made my throat sore and when I woke up in the morning I felt horrible, and after working all day I realised I had a full blown cold. Aghh I hate being sick! My whole body ached and felt like it was turning against me! I am feeling a little better today; not sneezing but still have a stuffy nose and now have a wonderfully horrible cough that is annoying! At least I have a long weekend to get over it. Friday was a holiday here and I have taken Monday off (have to take my dog to the vet so I thought that deserves a day off).
Last week was an alright week. Monday was actually very nice, it was a TRS day and I taught 3 prep classes and 1 grade three class. The day was fairly easy and flew by. The next three days were a different story. Each day was so long and it felt like the week was never going to end! I had the same grade one class all three days and they were little monsters! All the teacher aids that came into the room kept warning me how bad they were. The majority of the class were wonderful but a handful were just so full on it was unbelievable! And on the Tuesday as I was signing in at the office I was presented with . . . you guessed it . . . a contract to sign! I was not pleased with this since I had been booked for supply work and only took it all because the money would be great going into the holidays. I just don't understand, if they want you to be on a contract then why don't they just ask you! Instead they book you, get you there and then slap you with a damn contract! I have a contract coming up soon and I have no problem with that because that school called and asked directly if I would mind taking the contract; it is nice when they are honest with you. I told her I was unaware it was a contract and I got the response "Well when we book teachers to replace ours that are doing training it is always on contract" . . . well how was I to know I was replace a teacher doing training or that is how their school runs, no-one said anything about that to me when I was booked! And apparently only 6 of the 9 days I was book is on the contract (the office lady started running dates off to me like I had a diary or calendar in front of me!) and when I told her I couldn't work Monday anymore I was told "but that's one of your contract days" . . .bad luck lol so I guess I know that I am at least getting paid supply pay for 3 days. I am meant to be doing more TRS this week, I think this is were they might give me the grade fives I previously ranted about (I know I am getting good at ranting lol) and then the last two days of the week are booked for a year one class (not sure if it's the same or a different one) unless they change their might and do something else with me (wouldn't surprise me).
Anywho that's my little rant of the day lol
It is a very nice day here today, the sun is out shining and the weather is starting to warm up and . . . I sound like Snuffleupagus lol
Only 3 more weeks until the holidays :-) Where has the time gone???
Miss Snix.


Maestro said...

I feel your pain... literally. I either have the same cold with revolving symptoms, or a chain of viruses that started two weeks ago. Fun. My sore throat is finally starting to fade, and I hope it's the end of it... I start with students on Tuesday!

I'm sorry you've been getting the run-around. I hope that clears up as well.