On Strike

So this week I have decided I am on strike. I don't know exactly what I am striking but I have just decided I am not working. And it feels so good. I didn't set out not to work this week, it kind of just turned out that way. A couple of weeks ago I told the company that organises relief work that I was taking this Thursday and Friday off. I took Thursday off because I had to take my dog to the vet and Friday because I am going to spend the whole weekend away from home and needed time to get ready for it. And then this past weekend I unexpectedly spent very little time at home instead was very busy so decided to take Monday off to rest from it. I did some shopping and the day went very quickly . . . so I decided to take Tuesday off to spend some time at home. I did that and then had full intention to work Wednesday but decided why bother spoiling a nice relaxing week. So that is how I come to have the week off. I am not overly concerned about it because I start my contract next week which spans over the two week holidays so I get paid for the weeks I work and the holiday weeks in between. And at least I will be nice and relaxed going into my contract job. The past few weeks have not been the greatest for me, professionally and personally. I have had to deal with a lot in my personal life that has not put me in the best mood for work. So my self indulged lazy week has been great for rejuvenating myself.
I got my pay check this week, the wonderful people who pay me made two somewhat big mistakes. First they double paid me one of my supply days (awesome money!) unfortunatly they realised this and called this morning and said it would be taken off my next pay check (hmm damn). They also paid me for two contracts (I only had one so basically they double paid me for it), contract money sucks (I have bitched about it a bit on here lol) but doubling it also makes it the same as supply money. So far they have not realised their mistake with this one and I am not rushing to tell them. After all it was a contract I never wanted to sign and it was also when I had to deal with a certain not so friendly parent so in my eyes I have more than earned the money lol It's like what one teacher once told me "you need to look after yourself in this business because no-one else will" which is so true! The respect level relief teachers (even those on short contracts) is very low I find in schools because we are not 'regular' teachers. Well we would be if the education department would find us 'regular' jobs and not have us rely on being relief teachers because it is all we can do to be paid in the profession we want to work in. So since they are not overly keen on helping us why should we (I) tell them when they make such stupid (on their behalf) mistakes that benefit me. Ohh ranting . . . lol
Anyway, take care all!
Miss Snix.