Mad Mad Monday!!!

I wasn't going to write a blog today but after the day I've had. . . . I need to get it out! lol My day started a little past 6am when I got a phone call booking me for the day working at the school I was at on Friday (the same one I had the yr4/5 contract and where I work a lot ~ I really need nicknames for schools so I don't get confused about which ones I am talking about on here lol) Anywho it was for a grade 2 class, I have never had a straight gr2 class there before but am prebooked to work with them Thursday, so the kids don't really know me aghh lol

The class works with the other gr2 class next door so the morning was okay with the other teacher doing all the morning/carpet stuff. Although I found it a little rude the children talking over and mucking around while she was talking, but who was I to step in when the regular teacher found this behavior acceptable. When we split up and went to our own classrooms my lot of children just behaved ridiculously! Which resulted in me moving children, giving warnings and the occasional bribery of positive rewards not that it had much affect. How teachers can put up with such horrible behavior in their rooms everyday is beyond me!

Anyway the fun continued at morning tea when just before heading off to do my duty that I was aware of my teaching partner informs me I have to do two duties today (yay), normally a teacher only has one a day but the one I was replacing request to have two for Mondays (who does that to themselves!?) The first duty was during eating time, I was watching all the yr2-5 children alongside the deputy (who last time I saw him left the class he was teaching to come talk to me while I was teaching, drinking his coffee - he's an idiot and full of himself lol The other staff members call him the Principals handbag) So Mr 'I have no brains but sucked up to get a deputy job' (lol I am in a great mood aren't I!?) decided half way through the duty to walk off talking to another teacher and left me with all the year 2 to year 5 children! Do you know how many damn children that is!!! The next duty wasn't as bad, it was just watching the prep and yr1 children play, although the teacher before me was cranky because I was 'late' (I was actually a couple of mins early!)

Back in the classroom the children's behavior was still shocking, during the middle session I had to move three kids to my teaching partners room. One ended up getting a behavior slip that gets sent home because she was that bad. She thought it was funny and wanted to show off the slip to her friends (she is 7 and thinks being in trouble is cool!).

I pretty much just counted down the time for the session to be over. In the afternoon they were actually very settled and sat nice and quietly doing their Santa coloring in, it was so nice!!! Until I heard a barking at the door 10mins before the bell. A mother showed up unannounced with a giant dog! Aghh so I got the children to sit in a circle on the floor and had the child (who was almost smaller than the dog!) in the middle trying to talk about it. The children went berserk! It was ridiculous!!! The dog ran around jumping on kids (some got scratched). Finally the mother woke up and took the dog away leaving us two mins until the bell and a pig sty of a room. The children were so worked up now instead of cleaning up they played up and we had to finish putting chairs up after the bell had went.

Aghh I was so glad to get out of there in the afternoon lol They asked if I could work there tomorrow but I have my dentist appointment (which I seriously thing will be more fun!) and besides I am booked there for Thursday so I need to recharge myself for then!

Walking in this morning I also saw all the gr4/5s waiting at the gate ready to go on camp, I thought to myself if I was still there teacher I would be going with them. At the time I was thinking I am glad I didn’t have too although by the end of the day it didn’t seem like such a bad idea! It’s funny thinking if I had kept my job teaching them things would be so different, I wouldn’t have had any of the experiences I have had since; both bad (like being attacked my a weird parent and dealing with horrible behavior) and good (like teaching the amazing prep class I had a contract with and meeting and getting to know some wonderful people). I guess everything happens for a reason.

I need a rest lol,
Miss Snix.


Ms Characterized said...

I hope you got the rest you deserved! Wow.

Billie's Mummy said...

LOL Thanks. I got a rest by going to the dentist lol Not sure which was more painful. . .