First Full Day of 2010

This is the second week of term 2 of the year and I have finally been booked to work my first full day of the year. I got a phone call about 8pm tonight from a private school principal asking me to work tomorrow, I agreed to it only to then find out it was with a grade 5 class. I taught the grade 4 kids at the school last year and really did not enjoy it one bit but since work has been non-existent this year I agreed to it. As soon as I hung up the phone though I have had this nervous, anxious feeling about it and my first thought was to call him make and say I'd change my mind. But as my mother and friend (who he called before me and she turned him down - says it all lol) keep telling me to just think about the pay, but private schools in Australia pay supply teachers greatly less than state schools do and I have had a lot of problem with this school not paying me in the past (had to spend a lot of time sorting it out so I did get paid). So I am just hoping the day goes really quickly, the kids have a lot of classes (music, library, pe etc.) away from me and most importantly they behave well for me!

On another note this week I have found two, non-teaching, jobs to apply for. The first is a three month contract working as a librarian in the public library. Personally I doubt I'll get the job but can't hurt to put in for it. The second is full time 'Inclusion Support Facilitator' with organisation called Noah's Ark, they are wanting an Early Childhood trained teacher to work with special needs children. I graduated as an Early Childhood teacher in 2006 and am 2 months away from graduating from a Master of Special Education. So this job is more up my ally.

So please wish me well for tomorrow (I need all the luck I can get) and with the job applications :)
Miss Snix.