To start with I didn’t get any work during the teachers strike. Most schools didn’t hire relief teachers because they had very little children show up and the ones that did (from what I’ve heard) had their parents called to collect them otherwise they were supervised by teacher aides. There was also meant to be another state wide strike happening but that was stopped because apparently the union didn’t officially give the education department enough time to respond, there still may be another strike though. Teachers in this state are the lowest paid in the country so it’s understandable they want to be treated fairly but I can’t help but think they are lucky to at least have jobs to go to each day! I haven’t worked since April!!!

I had my first paid job two weeks ago in a grade one class that I have taught before and taught most the children last year when they were in prep. It’s a lovely class and I really enjoyed the day. Nothing too dramatic happened, had one little boy who was new to the school try to test me but he didn’t get far! He did however manage to annoy the music and a specialist teacher.
Have been very sick lately, for over a month now! It started out with a cough coming and going and then my body felt like it just shut down. Went to the doctor and got some antibiotics for the cough but two days later I couldn’t move because I was too dizzy, so back to the doctors I went. He sent me for a blood test and a chest and lung x-rays and I will get the results back tomorrow . . . and am just so sick of being sick! Have tried everything to get rid of it and nothing has worked!
Also I have officially finished and graduated from my business degree :-) Yay! Don’t know what I’m going to do with it but it’s there if I ever need it. Going back to uni three years after originally finishing made me realise how much I hate it and I vowed to never return again!!! But. . . I have since signed up and am now studying for my Masters of Education, majoring in Special Education! haha I figure I already have a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) majoring in Primary Education so now I will have more areas covered :-) And hopefully have a better shot at landing a full time job! Since I’m not working much I figured I may as well study full time (am doing it externally) so I have four classes at the moment and then will do four over the Christmas break I will have it all finished by February 2010 :-) Well that’s the plan anyway!!!
Ohh! And a little update of trying to get in contact with the new lady at the education department in my local area. . . finally she called me! Early one morning when my booking agency normally calls and she was very rude about the whole thing telling me there is nothing she can do (never mind the fact that it’s her actual job!?) in helping me and that my name is on a list (well duhh I already knew that! Not that this special little list has helped me!!!). I was actually very disappointed in myself after getting off the phone because I didn’t feel I argued my point better to her because my mind was on the fact that I could be losing work while talking to her.
Until next time (hopefully sooner than later),
Miss Snix!